Alternative medicine breast cysts treatment is simple and permanent. Breast cysts are caused by xenoestrogens (chemical estrogens) and phytoestrogens (plant estrogens). Simply avoid xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens. Natural Progesterone cream also opposes the effect of estrogen. Use progesterone cream for 3-4 months. If you are really good at avoiding xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens, progesterone cream will not be required after 3-4 months. However, some women, continue to take progesterone cream if they are unable to avoid xenoestrogens or phytoestrogens or like the positive benefits of progesterone cream. Find a practical list of xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens here.
Mainstream medical authorities surgically cut out the
breast cysts or drain them using a needle. However,
treatment allows the breast cysts to grow back after 6
months to 2 years. This is
because surgical excision
or needle aspiration treatment does not treat the
cause; it is only a temporary symptom release.
Here is a new website on the cause and alternative treatment of breast cysts.
I just got the results of the mammogram yesterday
and it is normal.
I started taking the Progestelle in August because I
had breast surgery last Feb. to remove some
calsifications. They did a followup exam in August
stating the ones had not returned but I had new ones
in the right breast. I explained I didn't want
another surgery because I still have burning and
itching from the original surgery scar. The scar is
about 6 inches across and is reddish purple and has
the waffled skin look to it. The surgeon told me
that they would monitor it for six months but if the
pain and itching still continued, I might have to go
on male hormones, which I refused to do.
This is when I did my research on the internet about
polycystic ovaries and fibrocystic breast disease,
of which I have both and have never been able to
conceive a child. I am now 41 and time is really
running out for me. I was even on Clomid for awhile
and all it did was to make my ovaries blow up like
Popeye's arms. My OB/GYN wants to refer me to an
infertility clinic in Indianapolis but the insurance
won't cover any treatment since my husband works for
a catholic hospital and our insurance is through his
work. It basically covers the diagnosis. Most of
these clinics want the money upfront and we just
don't have that kind of money for treatment. I am
really thinking about changing my OB/GYN to see if
they can prescribe another infertility medication
that might work for me.
I just had my followup breast exam last week and
during the interim, I have removed all caffeine from
my diet and no longer use sunflower seeds as well as
using the Progestelle oil. My OB/GYN basically told
me a couple of weeks ago that this is a complete
waste of money and doesn't do anything (this was
before I had my mammogram).
I just got the results of the mammogram yesterday
and it is normal. I see my surgeon on Tuesday for
the followup. He doesn't know I started this
treatment last August and I have no idea what his
reaction will be to it. The only thing I know is
that there were calsifications in there last August
requiring extra pictures and now I am clear. The
only thing I have done differently is use the
Progestelle and cut the caffeine and sunflower
seeds. Is this a common result for the Progestelle
and does it help with infertility?
I have also lost about 45 pounds since August and am
still losing weight. The doctor had prescribed some
diet pills for me but I don't like the side effects
(they make you mean) and are addictive so I only
take them once in a while (one a week at the most).
Does the Progestelle cause weight loss of this
magnitude as well?
Mary Ann C.
Mar 15, 2008
Tilton, Illinois
Editor's note: Yes, progesterone cream can have
dramatic effects on weight loss if xenoestrogens are
cut out. Yes, progesterone may be used to promote
fertility and prevent miscarriage by Fertility
Medical Doctors.
Not Wearing a Bra
Wearing a bra will also impair lymphatic drainage of the breast cysts, and some alternative medicine practitioners recommend NOT wearing a bra. This allows the breast cysts to drain. This is an elegant solution, but still does not address the cause of breast cysts.
Xenoestrogens (chemical estrogens) and Phytoestrogens (plant estrogens)
In my opinion, and other medical experts and medical researchers in the hormonal and environmental medicine field believe that xenoestrogens (chemical estrogens) and phytoestrogens (plant estrogens) cause both breast cysts and breast cancer.
According to the Center for Disease Control in 2007,
the breast cancer incidence rate is 1 out of 7 women
the United States. During the 1950's in the United
States, the breast cancer rate was 1 out of 20 women.
breast cancer incidence rate in Japan and China is 20
times less than the United States. But when these
and Japanese women
are born in America, and are culturally assimilated,
their breast cancer rate approaches that of an
Woman. In reality, only 10-15% of all breast cancer is
genetic. All the rest of the breast cancer is
environmentally caused. In the breast cancer that is
genetic, the question is what is the environmental
trigger. In Japan and China it is thought that
traditionally fermented soy (not American soy powder)
blocks the estrogen receptor
from breast cancer causing xenoestrogens. There is a
very nice paper written by a PhD at Breast Cancer Prevention Partners www.bcpp.org.
Progesterone Cream
John Lee, MD alumnus of Harvard University (undergraduate) and University of Minnesota Medical School (medical school graduate) practiced medicine for several decades in Sevastopol, California and passed away at age 77 in 2003. He gave Natural Progesterone Cream for 10 years or more to several thousand women, and only found four "new" cases of breast cancer. These four new cases of breast cancer were also taking high dose synthetic estrogen. John Lee, MD's conclusion was that Natural Progesterone Cream can prevent breast cancer. He concluded that breast cancer may be completely preventable. Progesterone Cream opposes the effect of estrogen.
Gone are those days of feeling bloated and
suffering the yo-yo weight gain/loss of around 5
lbs. due to fluid retention.
Dear Dr. Eckhart,
I think Progestelle is an absolutely fantastic
product. I'm 37 years and I have been living with
monthly bloating and moodiness for the past 17
years. Using Progestelle, as it's recommended every
month, has improved my quality of life two-fold. I
suffer from many ovarian cysts, a small fibroid on
the uterus and from breast cysts. The cyclic changes
my body went through for so many years are virtually
non-existent today. Thank you Dr. Eckhart for such a
marvelous product!
Progestelle has even ameliorated the “manic” and
“chip-on-my-shoulder” episodes that would take hold
of me about one week before my period. Gone are
those days of feeling bloated and suffering the
yo-yo weight gain/loss of around 5 lbs. due to fluid
retention. I could go on and on about the benefits
of Progestelle.
I do recommend this product to any women suffering
from mood swings and bloating.
Cira C. New York, New York
March 10, 2007
John Lee, MD maintained that the same things that cause breast cancer also cause breast cysts. Xenoestrogens (chemical estrogen) and phytoestrogens (plant estrogens) cause breast cysts. Recently, a Federally funded study firmly tied synthetic estrogens and synthetic progestins to causing breast cancer. See the article about breast cancer tied to synthetic estrogen and synthetic progestins here.
The evidence against xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens
as a real effect is growing. Even Time in October
30, 2000 wrote about xenoestrogens as the cover story,
causing early puberty in children as young as 5 years
old. 5% of children 5 years old are sprouting breast
buds and pubic hair in the United States. 15% of female children aged 8 in
United States are sprouting breast buds and pubic
hair. Time magazine fingered
xenoestrogens as part of the problem. See
the TIME article here. These same xenoestrogens
are causing breast cysts, and the alternative medicine
treatment is to avoid these xenoestrogens. I don't
know if you have recently gone to an elementary
school, but there is a
marked difference in height between the girls and the
boys. The girls are much taller and are developing
breasts and hips much earlier. This effect is well
known and commercially used by ranchers (keep
reading). For a list of these
xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens you may go here.
In June 2006, a pediatric endocrinologist presented evidence that tea tree oil (melaleuca) and lavender oil caused gynecomastia in young boys. Gynecomastia is enlarged breasts in men. After he told the parents to stop using lavender and tea tree oil on the boys skin, the gynecomastia (man boobs) disappeared. He then took the tea tree oil and lavender and put it in a test tube with breast cancer cells to test to see if the tea tree oil and lavender oil would act like estrogen. Yes, indeed, the endocrinologist found that lavender and tea tree oil stimulated the breast cancer cells to replicate and grow. This is an example of a phytoestrogen (plant estrogen). See the article here. And yes, lavender and tea tree oil can cause breast cysts.
Medical authorities surgically cut out breast cysts or drain them by aspirating them through a small gauge needle. However, the alternative medicine approach is to get rid of the root cause by avoiding the cause, namely xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens and taking Natural Progesterone Cream topically.
Premenstrual Syndrome
Breast cysts are typically accompanied by premenstrual
syndrome. The most
common association is breast
tenderness and bloating ( water retention ) that
occurs before every period. You
may gain several pounds of weight just before your
period. Estrogen dominance ( too much estrogen )
causes water retention. This effect is very common and
is used commercially in the Beef Industry. Synthetic
estrogen pellets are injected
subcutaneously behind the cattle's ear and then slowly
dissolve. The cattle grow faster (think about the
early breasts, hips and height in girls in elementary
school). The meat retains
water making it heavier (the rancher gets more money)
and is more tender because of the retained water.
Additionally, the meat is more marbled with fat
(estrogen says build up fat for the pregnancy). This
is not
rocket science. You may read more about associated
symptoms of estrogen dominance here.
Magnesium and Vitamin B deficiency
In addition, most Estrogen Dominant women have sugar cravings and chocolate cravings. Estrogen Dominant women also have magnesium deficiencies. The food highest in magnesium is chocolate. That is why these women crave chocolate. I usually recommend a good chelated Magnesium from the Health food store that has an absorption rate of 40%, as opposed to Magnesium oxide that has an absorption rate of only 4%.
The Estrogen Dominant woman will also have an Vitamin B deficiency. The Vitamin B deficiency may result in a neuropathy (nerve disease). This is most frequently manifests as Restless leg syndrome and results in a "creepy crawling" or burning sensation on the legs. I usually recommend for my patients to take a Vitamin B-100 in the morning, but not at night since this will result in vivid dreams. Vitamin B is water soluble, so there is no danger of overdose of Vitamin B. Any extra Vitamin B will simply wash out of the body in the urine.
Estrogen Dominance also results in copper being high which contributes to "fuzzy" thinking, mood swings, going "crazy", and irritability just before the period.
If the patient is really good about her avoidance list the Estrogen Dominance will disappear after 3-6 months, and no Vitamin B, Magnesium, or progesterone cream needs to be taken after that. High copper levels will also normalize. Get an avoidance list and progesterone cream here.
Hormone testing blood and saliva not helpful usually.
Usually a blood hormone test or saliva test is not helpful clinically and turns out to be completely normal. This is because the hormone test measures estradiol, estrone, or estriol or progesterone. However, for instance, if the patient is using a lavender soap, and lavender is VERY estrogenic (mimicking estrogen), the lavender will not turn up on the blood test. The blood or saliva test will be normal. The blood estrodiol may turn out to be high, but this is usually but not always due to coffee drinking. Two cups of coffee will increase the estradiol by 70% according to a recent Bringham Young University study. However, instead of doing a blood or saliva hormone test, I find it simply easier to ask the patient whether or not she has been drinking coffee. In general, clinically, I do NOT find it helpful to order a hormone test. Lavender which mimics estrogen strongly does NOT show up on the blood or saliva hormone test.
If the patient feels better or worse taking progesterone cream, then I know it is being absorbed. If the patient does not feel anything, then I will do a saliva progesterone hormone test just to see if it is being absorbed. Topical progesterone cream does NOT show up in a blood hormone test. Topical progesterone cream only can show in a saliva test. So if the patient does not "feel anything" after using topical progesterone, then I will do a saliva hormone test, NOT a blood test. The blood test will always show no progesterone in the short term when using topical progesterone cream even though the progesterone cream is being absorbed well.
If the patient is feeling worse after taking progesterone cream, and this is 30-40% of all patients, this means that the patient has NOT cut out xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens from the environment. This is a common complaint. If you are taking progesterone cream and feeling worse, stop progesterone cream cut out all xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens ( go here for a list ), and then start the progesterone cream 1-2 months later. It takes about 1-2 months for xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens to wash out of the body.
Thinning Hair and fat on the belly and hips - Hypothyroid
Estrogen Dominance tells the body to build up fat for the pregnancy. It does this by signaling the thyroid receptor to become less sensitive to thyroid hormone. The patient looks hypothyroid or low thyroid. She begins to have thinning hair, and develop fat around the belly and hips. However, laboratory blood tests measuring Free T3 and TSH are normal. A regular physician usually dismisses this and says your are really not hypothyroid. But no matter how you diet and exercise the weight stays on. And the hair is falling out and thinning. Body temperature instead of being 98.6 F is somewhere about 97F or so. Typically, but not always, avoidance of xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens and taking topical progesterone cream will help to get rid of weight without dieting and thicken up hair in about 2-6 months, but not always. There are other chemicals that are thyroid blockers. PBB's used as fire retardant in plastic is the classic thyroid blocker.
Estrogen Dominance causes the thyroid receptors to be less sensitive to thyroid hormone.
Will continue to use it.
I am in my 50's and when a tea bag size cyst in my
breast was found I began Progestelle. I
removed caffeine from my diet and used Progestelle
faithfully. In four
months the cyst has decreased in size so that I can
barely feel it. My
hot flashes have diminished also. Will continue to
use it.
Nancy W.
Butler, Pennsylvania
Oct 15, 2007
Super Allergic
Many times but not most
of the time, fibrocystic breast patients may have
hypersensitivity to smell or a sensitive to
perfume, are "get a headache" to perfume.
They are also very sensitive to drugs. A cup of
coffee will keep them up for the night. This means
that they cannot excrete caffeine. This means that
they have difficulty excreting all chemicals including
xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens. A neurological
test known as a Rhomburg test is abnormal. To do the
Rhomburg test, put your feet together, stand on tip
toes and close your eyes. A healthy person will NOT
wobble, a sick person will wobble. This is the
only physical test that is positive. Typically, this
person will have multiple allergies.
This is due to fear / stress / anxiety causing increased histamine and interleukin-6 levels. These increased histamine and interleukin-6 levels make the allergies worse and the patient more reactive.
"To gauge how stress and anxiety affect allergy sufferers, Kiecolt-Glaser and colleagues recruited 28 men and women with a history of hay fever and seasonal allergies to participate in a laboratory study.
On different days, the volunteers were subjected to a low-stress condition -- reading quietly from magazines -- and to much more stressful conditions -- giving a 10-minute, videotaped speech in front of a group of "behavior evaluators" and solving math problems without paper or pen in front of the group and then watching their videotaped performance.
The researchers assessed participants' levels of stress and anxiety and performed standard skin prick allergy tests before and right after the stressful events, as well as the next day.
Anxiety following the stressful event, the researchers found, heightened the magnitude of the allergic reactions induced by the skin prick tests. These allergic reactions show up on the forearm as slight wounds, or "wheals."
People who were moderately stressed because of the experiment had wheals that were 75 percent larger after the stressful event compared to the same person's response after the low-stress condition."
The best people at getting rid of fear /stress/ anxiety are found at www.pleasantvalleychurch.net. Do their week long seminar!
Conflict with Other Women
Some how a person with fear / stress / anxiety has
difficulty excreting all chemicals including
and phytoestrogens. This is what I call a "clogged
toilet" syndrome.
Many times but not all times, the woman can trace the breast cysts starting with a conflict with another woman. Somehow this conflict makes the woman upset and decreases her ability to get rid of xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens. I don't completely understand it, but this seems to be a common theme. The alternative medicine treatment would be to resolve the conflict with the other woman.
A pastor from www.beinhealth.com mentioned this behavioral phenomenom to me. I of course was very skeptical about the entire observation. However, I started to look at my patients. It was startling! It seemed to be true in many of my patients, but not all. There was another pastor in Taiwan that made a similar observation. In addition, pastor observed that a cyst in the right breast had to do with conflicts with non-blood related women such as office workers and women in-laws. A cyst in the left breast had to do with conflicts with blood-related women such as mothers and sisters.
Again I made fun of this, but on questioning my patients, I found this to be true in many but not all of my patients.
The alternative medicine breast cysts treatment is to:
1. Avoid xenoestrogens (get the list here with
any purchase of product).
2. Avoid phytoestrogens (get the list here with
any purchase of product).
3. Take natural progesterone cream (get it here).
4. Take magnesium, Vitamin B-100
5. Get rid of fear/stress/anxiety (do the pleasant
valley church seminar).
6. Resolve conflicts with other women.